Wednesday, February 3, 2010

In Class Speech Review: Nelson Mandela

One of the days that we met as a large group we split up in to three groups to talk about different speeches. I went with the group that talked about Nelson Mandela's Release from Prison Speech. One of the most interesting things about this speech is how humble he is in it. Through out the whole speech he talks about how he is a servant to the people, not about how he is going to lead the country but about how he can help the people lead the country. One of the most interesting things about this speech is that he doesn't even begin to talk about himself until well into the speech. All of these things, his humbleness and his will to serve are building his ethos. Another thing he uses to build ethos is by his saluting statements. He spends a long time in his speech saluting those people who deserve credit. By repeating "I salute" to all of the people he is showing that he is there to serve not to be worshiped, for lack of a better word.

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