Sunday, March 28, 2010

Group Presentation Evaluation

My group members for the visual analysis group presentation were Alana Hurst and Elly Greene.
Alana was a group oriented member in the group. She made sure everyones ideas were heard by asking questions to the group about what we thought we should do. She would give her own opinion on the matter and then ask the group what we thought would be best for our project.
Elly was also group oriented. She made a slide show on her computer and brought it to our first meeting. She didn't say this is our slide show, instead she asked for the groups input on where we as a group should go with the power point and made sure everyones ideas were included in the power point. She also made a great effort to include the group in conversation over the direction of the presentation. Everyone in the group had a say and voted on what to focus each slide on.

I give both Alana and Elly 100% as group members, they were easy to work with and over all great group oriented members

For myself I think I was a little more self oriented. I worked well in the group and I would object if I thought there was a better was of doing something or saying something or agree if they had a better idea than I did. For the most part our group was thinking alike which helped a lot with our group communication, each group member would feed off of the others ideas until we came up with the best one.

I would give my self a 95% because I worked well with my other group members and I voiced my opinion in a positive way.

April Blog Check

I would like to use my group evaluations on the presentations as blog checks.

Podcast Blog
The podcast "Ruining it for the rest of us" was about how different attitudes in a group can affect the groups production. Personally I have had group members that have been "bad apples" and group members that have been very good leaders. The group member that was a "bad apple" had a very negative attitude which made the whole groups attitude towards the project become negative as well. The "bad apple" tended to slack off throughout the whole project. The only input that came from that group member was negative thoughts or things that sidetracked the rest of the group.
The best group member I ever had was a good leader. He was very focused on the project and made sure everyone else was too. He let the group joke around a little and have fun, but made sure we were making progress while having fun. One way he made sure everyone was on task and paying attention to the project was that he would weigh in everyones opinion on the matter. He made sure everyone in the group had a say in what to do with the project. Another thing that made him a good leader is that he didn't take over the project, he made sure everyone had their own part of the project to complete. The most important qualities of the group leader that made him such a good leader was his listening skills and his ability to get along with everyone in the group.